La Bible Des… Fonts
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Mac GS Viewer 1.0
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283 lines
% Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
% This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
% Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
% or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
% or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
% or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
% License (the "License") for full details.
% Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
% normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
% the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
% under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
% License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
% all copies.
% Initialization file for binary tokens.
% When this is run, systemdict is still writable,
% but everything defined here goes into level2dict.
% Define whether or not to allow writing dictionaries.
/WRITEDICTS true def
languagelevel 1 .setlanguagelevel
level2dict begin
% Initialization for the system name table.
% 0
/abs /add /aload /anchorsearch /and
/arc /arcn /arct /arcto /array
/ashow /astore /awidthshow /begin /bind
/bitshift /ceiling /charpath /clear /cleartomark
% 20
/clip /clippath /closepath /concat /concatmatrix
/copy /count /counttomark /currentcmykcolor /currentdash
/currentdict /currentfile /currentfont /currentgray /currentgstate
/currenthsbcolor /currentlinecap /currentlinejoin /currentlinewidth /currentmatrix
% 40
/currentpoint /currentrgbcolor /currentshared /curveto /cvi
/cvlit /cvn /cvr /cvrs /cvs
/cvx /def /defineusername /dict /div
/dtransform /dup /end /eoclip /eofill
% 60
/eoviewclip /eq /exch /exec /exit
/file /fill /findfont /flattenpath /floor
/flush /flushfile /for /forall /ge
/get /getinterval /grestore /gsave /gstate
% 80
/gt /identmatrix /idiv /idtransform /if
/ifelse /image /imagemask /index /ineofill
/infill /initviewclip /inueofill /inufill /invertmatrix
/itransform /known /le /length /lineto
% 100
/load /loop /lt /makefont /matrix
/maxlength /mod /moveto /mul /ne
/neg /newpath /not /null /or
/pathbbox /pathforall /pop /print /printobject
% 120
/put /putinterval /rcurveto /read /readhexstring
/readline /readstring /rectclip /rectfill /rectstroke
/rectviewclip /repeat /restore /rlineto /rmoveto
/roll /rotate /round /save /scale
% 140
/scalefont /search /selectfont /setbbox /setcachedevice
/setcachedevice2 /setcharwidth /setcmykcolor /setdash /setfont
/setgray /setgstate /sethsbcolor /setlinecap /setlinejoin
/setlinewidth /setmatrix /setrgbcolor /setshared /shareddict
% 160
/show /showpage /stop /stopped /store
/string /stringwidth /stroke /strokepath /sub
/systemdict /token /transform /translate /truncate
/type /uappend /ucache /ueofill /ufill
% 180
/undef /upath /userdict /ustroke /viewclip
/viewclippath /where /widthshow /write /writehexstring
/writeobject /writestring /wtranslation /xor /xshow
/xyshow /yshow /FontDirectory /SharedFontDirectory /Courier
% 200
/Courier-Bold /Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-Oblique /Helvetica /Helvetica-Bold
/Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-Oblique /Symbol /Times-Bold /Times-BoldItalic
/Times-Italic /Times-Roman /execuserobject /currentcolor /currentcolorspace
/currentglobal /execform /filter /findresource /globaldict
% 220
/makepattern /setcolor /setcolorspace /setglobal /setpagedevice
% pad to 256
counttomark 256 exch sub { 0 } repeat
% 256
/= /== /ISOLatin1Encoding /StandardEncoding
% 260
/[ /] /atan /banddevice /bytesavailable
/cachestatus /closefile /colorimage /condition /copypage
/cos /countdictstack /countexecstack /cshow /currentblackgeneration
/currentcacheparams /currentcolorscreen /currentcolortransfer /currentcontext /currentflat
% 280
/currenthalftone /currenthalftonephase /currentmiterlimit /currentobjectformat /currentpacking
/currentscreen /currentstrokeadjust /currenttransfer /currentundercolorremoval /defaultmatrix
/definefont /deletefile /detach /deviceinfo /dictstack
/echo /erasepage /errordict /execstack /executeonly
% 300
/exp /false /filenameforall /fileposition /fork
/framedevice /grestoreall /handleerror /initclip /initgraphics
/initmatrix /instroke /inustroke /join /kshow
/ln /lock /log /mark /monitor
% 320
/noaccess /notify /nulldevice /packedarray /quit
/rand /rcheck /readonly /realtime /renamefile
/renderbands /resetfile /reversepath /rootfont /rrand
/run /scheck /setblackgeneration /setcachelimit /setcacheparams
% 340
/setcolorscreen /setcolortransfer /setfileposition /setflat /sethalftone
/sethalftonephase /setmiterlimit /setobjectformat /setpacking /setscreen
/setstrokeadjust /settransfer /setucacheparams /setundercolorremoval /sin
/sqrt /srand /stack /status /statusdict
% 360
/true /ucachestatus /undefinefont /usertime /ustrokepath
/version /vmreclaim /vmstatus /wait /wcheck
/xcheck /yield /defineuserobject /undefineuserobject /UserObjects
% 376
/A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M
/N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z
/a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m
/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z
% 428
/setvmthreshold (<<) cvn
(>>) cvn /currentcolorrendering /currentdevparams /currentoverprint /currentpagedevice
/currentsystemparams /currentuserparams /defineresource /findencoding /gcheck
% 440
/glyphshow /languagelevel /product /pstack /resourceforall
/resourcestatus /revision /serialnumber /setcolorrendering /setdevparams
/setoverprint /setsystemparams /setuserparams /startjob /undefineresource
/GlobalFontDirectory /ASCII85Decode /ASCII85Encode /ASCIIHexDecode /ASCIIHexEncode
% 460
/CCITTFaxDecode /CCITTFaxEncode /DCTDecode /DCTEncode /LZWDecode
/LZWEncode /NullEncode /RunLengthDecode /RunLengthEncode /SubFileDecode
/CIEBasedA /CIEBasedABC /DeviceCMYK /DeviceGray /DeviceRGB
/Indexed /Pattern /Separation
% 478 -- end
% Install the system and user name tables.
% The user name table is read-only for ordinary programs,
% since it doesn't obey save/restore and must be managed specially.
dup /SystemNames exch def
100 array readonly dup /UserNames exch def
% Define printobject and writeobject.
% These are mostly implemented in PostScript, so that we don't have to
% worry about interrupts or callbacks when writing to the output file.
% Define procedures for accumulating the space required to represent
% an object in binary form.
/cntdict mark % <#refs> <#chars> <obj> -proc- <#refs> <#chars>
/integertype /pop load
/realtype 1 index
/marktype 1 index
/nulltype 1 index
/booleantype 1 index
/nametype { length add } bind
/stringtype 1 index
/arraytype null
WRITEDICTS { /dicttype null } if
.dicttomark def
cntdict /arraytype
{ dup dup length 5 -1 roll add 4 2 roll
{ dup type //cntdict exch get exec } forall
} bind put
{ cntdict /dicttype
{ dup dup length 2 mul 5 -1 roll add 4 2 roll
{ 4 1 roll dup type //cntdict exch get exec
3 -1 roll dup type //cntdict exch get exec
} forall
} bind put
} if
/w2dict mark
/nametype { 2 copy .writecvs pop } bind
/stringtype 1 index
.dicttomark def
/.writeobjects % <file> <tag> <array> .writeobjects -
mark exch
% Count the space required for refs and strings.
dup length 0 3 -1 roll
% Stack: <file> <tag> -mark- <#refs> <#chars> <array>
dup 4 1 roll
{ dup type //cntdict exch get exec
} forall
% Write the header.
% Stack: <file> <tag> -mark- <array1> ... <array|dictN> <#refs> <#chars>
counttomark 3 add -2 roll 4 1 roll
% Stack: -mark- <array1> ... <array|dictN> <tag> <#refs> <#chars> <file>
dup counttomark 1 sub index length
4 index 3 bitshift 4 index add
(xxxxxxxx) .bosheader writestring
% Write the objects per se.
3 1 roll pop
counttomark 1 sub index length 3 bitshift exch
3 bitshift
% Stack: -mark- <array1> ... <array|dictN> <tag> <file> <ref#> <char#>
counttomark 4 sub
{ counttomark -1 roll dup 6 1 roll
dup type /dicttype eq % can't be first object
{ { 5 1 roll (xxxxxxxx) .bosobject
3 index exch writestring
4 -1 roll (xxxxxxxx) .bosobject
3 index exch writestring
} forall
{ { (xxxxxxxx) .bosobject
dup 1 6 index put
3 index exch writestring
4 -1 roll pop 0 4 1 roll % clear tag
} forall
% Write the strings and names.
pop pop exch pop
% Stack: -mark- <array1> ... <array|dictN> <file>
counttomark 1 sub
{ counttomark -1 roll
{ % The counting pass ensured that the keys and values
% of any dictionary must be writable objects.
% Hence, we are processing a dictionary iff
% the next-to-top stack element is not a file.
1 index type /filetype ne
{ exch 2 index exch dup type //w2dict exch .knownget
{ exec } { pop } ifelse pop
dup type //w2dict exch .knownget { exec } { pop } ifelse
} forall
% Clean up.
% Stack: -mark- <file>
pop pop
} odef
currentdict /cntdict undef
currentdict /w2dict undef
/printobject { (%stdout) (w) file 3 1 roll writeobject } odef
/writeobject { exch 1 array astore .writeobjects } odef
% Implement binary error message output.
{ $error /binary get .languagelevel 2 eq and
{ currentobjectformat 0 ne
{ [ /Error $error /errorname get $error /command get false
] 250 printobject
} bind def
% End of level2dict